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Samstag, 24. Oktober 2020 - 15:24

Eine starke Stimme für Aufklärung und Humanität
Anmerkungen zu Abraham Melzers Buch „Israel vor Gericht“
Arn Strohmeyer

Die Frage, was Judentum ist, pflegt der deutsch-jüdische Publizist Abraham Melzer mit einem Satz des Rabbi Hillel (er lebte in der Zeit um Christi Geburt) zu beantworten: Tue Deinem Nächsten nicht an, was Du nicht willst, dass man es Dir antut!“ Aus dieser moralischen Maxime ergibt sich für ihn folgerichtig die Grundposition, die er in allen seinen Veröffentlichungen und auch in seinem neuen Buch „Israel vor Gericht“ vertritt: radikale Aufklärung, die sich auch auf Kants kategorischen Imperativ beruft. Woraus er wiederum die radikale Gegnerschaft zu Israels Politik gegenüber den Palästinensern und auch zu Israels Staatsideologie, dem Zionismus, ableitet. Abraham Melzer ist kein Mann des weltanschaulichen Zauderns. Er legt ein klares Bekenntnis ab, wo er steht: „Wir sind Juden und bekennen uns dazu. Wir sind aber keine Zionisten. Zionismus ist eine rassistische, kolonialistische und militaristische Ideologie aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, die schon längst auf den Müllhaufen der Geschichte gehört.“

Worte, die an Deutlichkeit nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen. Melzer redet bzw. schreibt nie um die Dinge herum, seine Sprache ist immer direkt und unmissverständlich, bisweilen aber auch sarkastisch – etwa wenn er seinen Lieblingsfeind Henryk Broder als „windigen Populisten“, „jüdischen Clown“ oder „Klamauk-Kasper“ tituliert. Hinter solchen eher polemischen Äußerungen über den Zionisten Broder, der über sich selbst zynisch bekennt „es stimmt, die Israelis sind Täter [Besatzer], aber Täter sein macht Spaß!“ und für den jede Kritik an der israelischen Politik „Antisemitismus“ ist, steckt aber viel mehr als eine launige Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Streithähnen.

Im Judentum gab es immer, wie schon im Alten Testament belegt, die beiden spaltenden Tendenzen der Absonderung, Abschottung und Isolation einerseits und der universellen Offenheit und Weltzugewandtheit andererseits. Durch die Entstehung des Staates Israel und die ihn tragende ethnisch-nationalistische Ideologie des Zionismus hat die erste Richtung deutlich die Dominanz erlangt, die Universalisten, die früher die Mehrheit stellten, sind im Judentum eher in die Minderheit geraten.

Der britisch-jüdische Philosoph Brian Klug hat diesen Konflikt so beschrieben: „Die binäre Spaltung, an die ich denke, läuft quer zur Unterscheidung in religiös und säkular: sie läuft auf ein ‚entweder oder‘ in der Prioritätensetzung hinaus: Entweder stehen Gruppen- oder ethnische Interessen an erster Stelle oder die universellen Menschenrechte. Diese beiden Sichtweisen sind nicht nur unterschiedlich, sie schließen sich gegenseitig aus. Und doch beanspruchen beide >>>


Merkel erwache! Israel vor Gericht - Dr. Ludwig Watzal - (...)  Der Autor geht mit der Haltung der Bundeskanzlerin und deren Aussage, dass die Sicherheit Israel zur deutschen Staatsräson gehöre, hart ins Gericht. So behaupte sie, dass "einseitige Schritte dem Friedensprozess" schadeten. Wer dies behaupte, so Melzer, handel nach derselben Logik, die behauptet, "dass Arbeit frei mache"."Der Zynismus und die Häme mit denen die Israelis und die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel die Bestrebungen der Palästinenser nach Anerkennung und Beachtung beantworten, sind mindestens genauso widerlich und unmoralisch wie der Zynismus der Nazis." In Bezug auf die Haltung der Kanzlerin redet Melzer Tacheles und weist auf die doppelten Standards hin, die Grundlage ihrer Politik sind. "Wie lange sollen wir noch diese Heuchelei ertragen"? >>>

Gaza deserves an airport of its own, and this is how it can work - While an airport will not end the suffering in Gaza, it is an essential step to alleviate serious humanitarian concerns. Here’s how to do it. - Oren Kroll-Zeldin

Recent wars, a crippling blockade, and poor governance have rendered Gaza an increasingly difficult place to live for its 1.8 million residents. Poverty, lack of access to food and other essential resources, and the inability to move freely create complex conditions of survival for those living in the coastal enclave. A recent World Bank report notes that Gaza has the world’s highest unemployment rate, and youth unemployment specifically is higher than 60 percent. At the present rate, the United Nations estimates that it would require “herculean efforts” for Gaza to remain inhabitable in the year 2020, and if the humanitarian situation is not addressed, the damage will be irreversible.

Ahmed Alkhatib, a Palestinian raised in Gaza City who currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, knows the struggle in Gaza all too well. He has a bold humanitarian proposal that will help alleviate the suffering of Gaza’s inhabitants: build an airport in Gaza to be operated and regulated by the United Nations. Building this airport is the mission of Project Unified Assistance (PUA), a new U.S.-based humanitarian nonprofit organization founded by Alkhatib to promote the freedom of movement for the people of Gaza >>>

Back Middle East Jewish groups call for demolition of Al-Aqsa - Dozens of Jewish settlers organised a march last night in occupied Jerusalem calling for the demolition of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the construction of the “Temple Mount”.

Is this the Third Intifada? - Rising tensions in the Occupied Territories have led to dozens of deaths and hundreds of clashes.
Are we witnessing the Third Intifada?

More than 40 settlers gathered near Hebron Gate in Jerusalem wearing matching t-shirts for their march. They carried signs calling for the demolition of Al-Aqsa and the construction of the Temple Mount in its place. They tried to reach the Wailing Wall in the Old City but the police prohibited them entering.

Israeli police reported that they arrested two settlers, one of whom is a minor, on charges of disorderly conduct and failure to adhere to police orders.

Settler groups also sang and danced in the alleyways of the Old City in occupied Jerusalem “in a manner provoking the residents” under the protection of the Israeli army and Special Forces. The occupation forces also forced shops to close in order to provide protection for the settlers. >>>

Israeli Forces Raid Bethlehem Medical Center - Israeli military forces ransacked several homes and a medical center in the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem, before dawn on Saturday, locals said.

According to locals, soldiers broke into al-Sadaq Medical Clinic, in the al-Madbasa neighborhood at the center of Bethlehem, removing the clinic's main door and confiscating equipment. The medical clinic is a part of al-Ihsan Charitable Association, it was added. The Israeli military also raided a residential building and broke into three apartments, a Palestinian family told Ma’an News Agency.

The Buja family said that soldiers broke into the homes of Ahmad Theib Buja, Muhammad Buja and Ashraf Abu Hlayyil, damaging the interior of the apartments.

Seperately, Israeli forces raided a science supply store, al-Maktaba al-Eilmia -- located in the city center of Ramallah -- for the second night in a row. Locals said that around ten military jeeps entered the area before clashes broke out. >>>

An unsettling moment of justice under occupation - When countless violent incidents take place in the occupied territories every week, why is it that one of the few to result in conviction happens to include an Arab perpetrator?

In a rare piece of positive news, Haaretz reported Saturday that the Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court decided that 155,000 shekels ($40,200) should be paid in compensation to Rateb Abu Rahmeh, a Palestinian activist and university lecturer from the West Bank village of Bil’in.

The decision was made after Abu Rahmeh filed a lawsuit against a Border Policeman who, in 2005, shot him in the leg with a sponge-tipped bullet during a weekly demonstration in Bil’in. The court found that the policeman had given a false account of the events when he claimed that Abu Rahmeh threw stones during the demonstration; a video of the incident showed that the protesters “were not unruly,” and that the officer fired the bullet while his unit used stun grenades to disperse the demonstration.

The officer was sentenced to seven months in prison (reduced to six months community service), and the judge ruled that he — rather than the state or the security forces unit — was personally liable for the compensation payment. >>>

Five Palestinian Teens Blackmailed Into Accepting 15 Years Prison Term and Exorbitant `Fines` for a Crime That Never Happened - PRESS RELEASE by Free The Hares Boys campaign - It is with great sadness and anger that we hereby inform you of the outcome of the Hares Boys case: the five teenagers are being sentenced to 15 years in prison and are to pay a total of NIS 150,000 (~US $39,000 or €35,000) to the Israeli authorities. Failure to provide the exorbitant sum would, it is implied, result in more years of prison added to the boys` sentences. Ali Shamlawi, Mohammed Kleib, Mohammed Suleiman, Ammar Souf, and Tamer Souf have been kept in prison for 2 years and 8 months and are now being sentenced for a crime that never happened. The five teenagers (16-17 years old at the time) from the village of Hares (Salfit governorate, West Bank, occupied Palestine) were kidnapped from their homes by the Israeli army in March 2013 >>>

Palestinian Family Buries Second Child in 6 Weeks - A Palestinian family in Hebron on Friday buried its second child to be killed by Israeli forces in the last two months, locals told Ma’an. >>>

Israeli forces killing “in cold blood,” Palestinian families say - Maureen Clare Murphy--Israeli forces shot a Palestinian man and, after he was dead, fired at his head at point-blank range, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights. Mazen Oraibi, a Palestinian Authority intelligence officer from the Jerusalem-area village of Abu Dis, had stepped out of his car at an Israeli checkpoint last Thursday when soldiers opened fire and killed him on the spot >>>

Another winter in Gaza`s makeshift homes - Matthew Vickery -- Gaza Strip - More than a year since Israel`s deadly onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip, the United Nations refugee agency (UNRWA) estimates that 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza are preparing to spend a second winter in damaged homes and makeshift structures. >>>

Israel Wants to Treat Sweden as a Banana Republic - Daud Abdullah--Diplomatic spats between Sweden and Israel have become a regular occurrence. Ever since the Scandinavian country recognised the state of Palestine in October 2014 relations between Stockholm and Tel Aviv have gone from bad to worse. At the heart of this stand-off is Sweden’s determination to pursue an independent foreign policy without diktats from any quarters, including Israel.>>>



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