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Samstag, 24. Oktober 2020 - 15:24

Mitglieder der Abu Jamber Familie sitzen auf den Trümmern ihres Hauses. Ein Beispiel wie Israel die ungesetzliche Sippenhaftung anwendet. (siehe die Bilder links)  Das Haus gehörte der Familie von Ghassan Abu Jaber der in einer Synagoge vier Israelis tötete und dann ebenfalls getötet wurde. Ihr Haus wurde am 6. 10. 2015 zerstört.

Democracy, the High Court and punitive home demolitions - Israeli politicians endlessly chastise the Supreme Court for doubting the use of punitive home demolitions. So what do the politicians do? Blame the judges for defending terrorists. - Frances Raday

The spate of stabbing and vehicular attacks by Palestinian youths over the past couple of months has brought along with it a spate of punitive home demolitions targeting the attackers’ family members. Both political leaders and Israeli Supreme Court justices have had something to say about the practice. The justices have expressed some doubt about the practice, and in some cases even issued injunctions delaying the demolitions. In response, politicians have blamed the judges for defending terrorists.

The trail of “politicians’ blaming” and “judges’ claims” regarding home demolitions merits an English style lampoon and quiz.

The politicians and ministers in our government cry out: we must unite against our judges for delaying home demolitions of terrorists — they are siding with the enemy. It’s not a matter of human rights, they say, these teenagers’ parents must be punished for their sons’ or daughters’ offenses, here and now. Forcing the state to wait until it can present evidence to the court proves that the judges are completely detached from reality. The politicians seem to wish the judges would behave like the Red Queen, and order “off with their heads,” instead of “only by due process will we remove the roof from over their heads.” >>>
Foto Activestills.org

Stores Demolished near Bethlehem, Settlers Close Major Junction - The Israeli army, Thursday, demolished two commercial structures and seized some of their contents in the village of Hosan, west of Bethlehem, according to local sources.

Hassan Hamamreh, mayor of Hosan, told WAFA that an Israeli army force, accompanied by bulldozers, broke into the village and demolished two commercial structures belonging to Ishaq Shousha and Bajes Oudeh, two local Palestinians, citing unpermitted construction as a pretext for the demolition.

The two structures are used as stores to sell construction related material and scrap. The Israeli military also seized heavy machinery and other equipment available in both stores, including a bagger, forklift trucks and motor homes.

Issuance of construction permits for Palestinians living in Area C, under full Israeli administrative and military control, is strictly limited, forcing those living in such areas to embark on construction without obtaining a permit. >>>

Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Homes in Jordan Valley - Early Thursday, Israeli authorities demolished residential structures in the northern Jordan Valley locality of al-Hadidiya, according to PNN municipal sources.

Aref Daraghmeh, who monitors settlement activities in the Jordan Valley, said an Israeli occupation army force accompanied by heavy machinery broke into al-Hadidiya and proceeded to demolish residential structures that shelter local Bedouin families.

It is not the first time that this happens in the Jordan Valley: the army has repeatedly vandalized and demolished several Palestinian houses in the area, under the pretext of construction without permission.

As stated by WAFA Palestinian News & Info Agency, many Palestinians in Area C of the occupied West Bank, under complete Israeli occupation control, have no choice but to build without permits to be able to provide a shelter for their families, risking demolition of their residential structures by Israeli forces. >>>

Westjordanland: Erneut Palästinenser erschossen - Bei Zusammenstößen mit israelischen Sicherheitskräften im Westjordanland ist am Donnerstag nach Angaben von Rettungskräften erneut ein Palästinenser erschossen worden. Der junge Mann aus dem Flüchtlingslager Al-Arub sei nördlich von Hebron getötet worden, sagten palästinensische Rettungskräfte. Im Laufe des Tages waren bereits zwei andere Palästinenser im Westjordanland erschossen worden. >>>

Das neue Palästina Journal mit dem Schwerpunkt Jerusalem ist soeben erschienen. Es  kann  über diesen Link gelesen werden >>>


Offener Brief an Schweizerische Botschaft: Angriffe auf medizinisches Personal und PatientInnen - Basel, 26. November 2015 - Die widerrechtlichen Angriffe von israelischer Seite auf medizinisches Personal und Einrichtungen in Israel/Palästina sowie auf palästinensische PatientInnen haben seit Anfang September stark zugenommen. Mit diesen Angriffen wird das Völkerrecht verletzt. BDS Schweiz hat deshalb am 24. November der Schweizerischen Botschaft in Tel Aviv folgenden Brief geschickt und sie aufgefordert, bei den israelischen Behörden zu intervenieren.

Betreff: Angriffe auf medizinisches Personal und PatientInnen

Sehr geehrter Herr Baum
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, BDS Schweiz zeigt sich höchst besorgt angesichts der untragbaren Lage, unter der das medizinische Personal in Israel/Palästina arbeiten muss, und die sowohl eine angemessene Versorgung palästinensischer Verletzter als auch eine ausreichende allgemeine medizinische Versorgung verhindert. Wir sehen das Recht auf medizinische Versorgung durch die Politik Israels stark bedroht.

Mehrere Berichte aus Israel/Palästina dokumentieren die zunehmende Gewalt gegen PatientInnen sowie Sanitäts- und Krankenhauspersonal. Massnahmen der israelischen Armee und Polizei wie Strassenblockaden, Checkpoints und Kontrollen stellen klare Hindernisse für die Bewegungsfreiheit und das Recht auf Gesundheit der palästinensischen Bevölkerung dar. Am 19. Oktober verstarb eine 65-jährige Palästinenserin in Ostjerusalem, weil die Polizei dem Ambulanzfahrzeug den Weg ins Krankenhaus versperrte.

Das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) zeigte sich in seiner Stellungnahme vom 30. Oktober besorgt über die Schwierigkeiten, mit denen Krankenhäuser und das medizinische Personal in Palästina/Israel bei der Gewährleistung medizinischer Hilfe in der aktuellen Situation konfrontiert sind.

Die medizinische Organisation Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) meldete am 12. November, dass ihre Teams von israelischen Streitkräften mehrmals daran gehindert wurden, Verwundete zu erreichen. Zusätzlich wurden seit Anfang Oktober 108 ihrer SanitäterInnen während der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgabe verletzt und verbal angegriffen. PMRS fordert eine sofortige internationale Verurteilung des Vorgehens der israelischen Streitkräfte und Massnahmen, um ähnliche Attacken in Zukunft zu verhindern. Sie bittet zusätzlich um internationalen Schutz für medizinische Einrichtungen in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten.

Direkte Übergriffe auf PatientInnen nahmen in den letzten Tagen weiter zu. Israelische Streitkräfte drangen in Krankenhäuser ein, entführten Patienten und konfiszierten Patientenakten. Am 12. November stürmten 21 vermummte israelische Streitkräfte das Al Ahly Krankenhaus in Hebron, um einen schwer verletzten Palästinenser festzunehmen.
Der israelische Geheimdienst Shin Bet bestätigte diese verdeckte Aktion. Dabei wurde der Cousin des gesuchten Palästinensers erschossen, was Amnesty International als mögliche aussergerichtliche Hinrichtung wertet. Mehrere MitarbeiterInnen des Krankenhauses wurden an ihrer Arbeit gehindert und verletzt. Die Organisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen verurteilte das Vorgehen der israelischen Streitkräfte und forderte sie nachdrücklich auf, den Sonderstatus, den das humanitäre Völkerrecht medizinischen Einrichtungen sowie den Verwundeten und Kranken einräumt, zu respektieren.

Das Humanitäre Völkerrecht, namentlich die 1. Genfer Konvention, schützt Zivilpersonen, Verwundete, Kranke, Kriegsgefangene. Diese müssen in jeder Situation geborgen und gepflegt werden können. Gebäude, in denen sie Schutz finden, sowie das medizinische und seelsorgerische Personal, das sie betreut, dürfen nicht Ziel von Angriffen sein. Schwerwiegende Verstösse gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht stellen Kriegsverbrechen dar.

Wir fordern die Schweizerische Botschaft in Tel Aviv und die Schweizer Behörden auf, die Übergriffe durch Israel klar und deutlich zu verurteilen und bei den entsprechenden israelischen Behörden zu intervenieren, damit eine ausreichende und sichere medizinische Versorgung der Verwundeten und Kranken gewährleistet werden kann und das medizinische Personal seine Aufgabe ohne Gefahr verrichten kann. Sie sollten bei der israelischen Regierung gegen solche gezielten Angriffe auf PatientInnen, medizinisches Personal, Ambulanzen und Krankenhäuser protestieren und verlangen, dass Israel das humanitäre Völkerrecht einhält. Gerne erwarten wir Ihre Antwort und stehen bei weiteren Fragen zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüssen BDS Schweiz

Violence, Moral Equivalence, and the End of a Two-State Solution in Israel-Palestine - Henry Siegman -  A slanderous ad in The New York Times accusing John Kerry of anti-Semitism could only have drawn its inspiration from the PR skills of Joseph Goebbels >>>

 IFJ joins Palestinian journalists in discussing the role of media in covering conflicts - A delegation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined yesterday in Ramallah city the national conference organised by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) on the ‘Role of Media in Covering Conflicts’. Over 130 journalists, editors, civil society organisations and Palestinian officials participated in the debates which tackled the safety crisis that journalists face in Palestine and ways to provide them with protection.

According to the PJS reports, more than 70 Palestinian and international journalists were injured or assaulted by the Israeli army since the beginning of October this year, some of whom were present in the meeting and shared their experiences with the audience.

“We are in debt to the IFJ and the leaders of journalists’ unions who are with us today,” said Abdulnasser Najjar, President of the PJS and IFJ Executive Committee member. “The Palestinian journalists are facing very difficult times and we need the solidarity and support of all our sisters and brothers from the journalists’ unions around the world in our struggle to work and live as free journalists.”

The IFJ leadership backed the Palestinian journalists and asked for their safety and rights to be fully respected. >>>

There are samples of Palestinians in the diaspora who also experience a lot of obstacles by fact of being Palestinian. I know Sama Alshaibi which is Palestinian American, she went to teach in Palestine a year ago and although she holds an American passport, she was strip searched by Israeli authorities at the airport.

Whenever I go back to Palestine, I have a hard time leaving my hometown Bethlehem to visit other Palestinian cities, because to get from one Palestinian city to another you have to cross Israeli checkpoints. Ramallah which has now become the de facto capital of Palestine is where all art venues and most artists live, but since I am from Bethlehem, it is very hard for me to engage with the art scene there. Without complications, Ramallah is about 30 min. away from Bethlehem, but now it takes about two hours to get to Ramallah and with a lot of hassle and uncertainty, so the cultural scene in Palestine invariably gets disconnected. And of course I was never given a permit to go to Gaza, so artists in Gaza live an isolated experience. They can also not leave Gaza, so communication between all these places most often happens through long distance means, as if we live in different countries.

I also often get invited to show in Israel, but I always refuse. Can you imagine showing in a country where your work gets shown, but you as an artist are not allowed to enter ? That is how surreal the situation is on the ground.

I also at some point wanted to do an art residency in Jerusalem, but I couldn’t get a permit to enter Jerusalem, even though I was born Jerusalem and it is only 10 min away from Bethlehem. That was a big missed opportunity.

I have been in a couple of shows in the US, that were threatened to be closed down, just because there were Palestinian artists in it.

I was also nominated for a photography prize sponsored by Lacoste at a Swiss museum 3 years ago, where my name was suddenly  >>>

Case of Gaza family killed in their sleep taken to International Criminal Court - Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability - “We have become used to Israel killing and injuring Palestinians in the Gaza Strip,” says Bouthaineh al-Louh. “But nothing could have fully prepared me for the devastating loss of my sons, grandsons and granddaughters in an attack against our family home.”

Al-Louh is one of the Palestinians whose cases are included in evidence submitted Monday to Fatou Bensouda, the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), of crimes documented by Palestinian human rights organizations during Israel’s 2014 offensive against the Gaza Strip.

Killed in their sleep
- “On 20 August 2014 at 4:45am, Israel attacked our home in Deir al-Balah whilst my family was fast asleep. My son and two stepsons were killed in the attack, as well as my nine-months pregnant daughter-in-law and her three children,” al-Louh says in a statement from Al-Haq, whose director Shawan Jabarin handed the file to Bensouda in The Hague.

The evidence addresses specific attacks on Palestinian homes, hospitals, schools and high-rise buildings. >>>

Bibi Times: Netanyahu`s tangled relationship with Israel`s media - Maayan Lubell - Reuters - Amnon Abramovitz, Channel Two`s political analyst and a Netanyahu critic, said the government overhaul amounted to bullying by the prime minister."When you have a loaded gun, you don`t have to shoot it, everyone knows you have it," he told Reuters. "There`s no direct warning, but there is this constant threat in knowing he, as communications minister, rules and can set up new channels." >>>



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Five Resolutions in Favor of Palestine Approved by UN

Armed Paramilitary Settler Kills A Palestinian Near Jerusalem

Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Teen In Hebron

Israel To Coordinate With Google, YouTube, To Censor Palestinian Videos Of Conflict

Stores Demolished near Bethlehem, Settlers Close Major Junction

B'Tselem- Israeli Government Encourages Field Executions

Drei Palästinenser erschossen

26. 11.  2015

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Westjordanland- Erneut Palästinenser erschossen

Israel to Shut Down the Only Palestinian Theatre in Jerusalem

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Israeli journalists slam Bibi over closure of Arabic media outlets

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3rd Palestinian shot, killed by Israeli forces in al-Arrub camp

Israeli forces raid al-Fawwar refugee camp, injure

Israeli forces raid al-Fawwar refugee camp, injure

Israel demolishes al-Araqib village for 91st time

Israeli Soldiers Kill A 51-year old Palestinian Man South Of Nablus

25. 11. 2015

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Israeli troops, Palestinian wounded in south Nablus ‘car attack’

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Israeli settlers set up tents south of Jenin

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WAFA and B'Tselem Correspondents Assaulted in Hebron

Israel meets with Google and YouTube to discuss censoring Palestinian videos

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Israel-funded group slams US labor federation for backing Palestinian rights

Co-op Bank closes Palestine Solidarity Campaign accounts

Algerian-Palestinian relations extend beyond mere partnership relation



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